Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Digging Deeper

Digging Deeper.... those are my words for 2019. I was excited with the first days of this year, it even begun days before. Slowly the doubt and insecurities started to creep back in. Life got busy. I also wanted to start this sooner but didn't... I was lost at what it meant to dig deep. I was already reading the Bible, what was I missing, was there something more that I should be doing?????

In Sunday school our pastor mentioned, "Jacob should have known who he was talking to. We should also know God, but more importantly we should be using what He has taught us!!" THIS!!!! This was God speaking to me!! Am I using what God has taught me or am I listening to satan's voice more than HIS?????

Yesterday in a training for my business this trainer said we can learn, and learn, and learn but if we are not using it, doing the things, utilizes what we have learned it is all useless!!! If we want the results we have to do the actions!!

Then comes this morning, the feeling of being unsure was overwhelming. So in my prayer I asked God to show me what he wanted me to do, what I needed to do. I open my devotion and there it said, "Heaviness is not of my kingdom!" Can you say wow!!!! When am I going to open my eyes and see that the heaviness I have been feeling is not what GOD wants for me!!! The answers are right there in front of me!! BUT the biggest key is am I taking action with what He has given me?! Am I sitting here wallowing in the lies satan has placed in my thoughts and on my heart or am I going to take captive of what is God's and make HIM proud?!?! It all begins with me and what I choose to listen to. Are my thoughts filled with His word, His promises, rooted in His love or am I listening to the deceiver, filling my thoughts with negativity, doubt and hopelessness? Every day I am going to be more purposeful, especially on the weekends, to fill my thoughts with His word and pray constantly. Writing down His promises, my goals, etc... will also be part of this.

I am making goals, I am going to write them down and be more intentional with what I do with my time. First are my long-term goals, how am I going to get there, what kind of steps do I need to take to make them happen and how am I going to implement them. Second are my short-term daily goals, these need to coincide with my long-term goals and how I am going to accomplish them. Below is an example.

I am tired of letting satan lead my life, my thoughts and my actions. Not only am I going to be digging deeper in scripture but I will also be digging deeper into my actions and how I am implementing what I am learning. I pray this will spark hope and inspiration but more importantly lead others to more of a rich life, a life that God wants for you!! Don't let fear stop you!!

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