This is how it looks towards Mt. Taylor and then you look to
Grants and it looks like this:
It has been raining here sooooo much! I love it!!!!
This is the thing that I miss the most about living in the south.
It makes my day when it rains!
On the other hand James doesn't like it so much because it comes with
thunder and lightning. So we are stuck inside.
Usually the rain won't last long so he runs outside.
Cubby is the palmerianian, terrier and Ginger is the mix of Jack Russel, pikanese and terrier.
I know I didn't spell these right!!
This is my new bush that we added a month ago to the front yard.
It is a russian sage and I love the blooms. I would've shown a picture
of my other bush that attracts hummingbirds but it has no blooms right now and looks
kind of sad :(
Can you tell he is whinning??
It has been a good day so far and I got my camera to start working yesterday and got all of our pictures onto CDs!! Yeah!!! And I have listed a few things on ebay to help pay off our cc's. I hate debt! Jim is off for four days and I love it when he is off. It is surprising how much I don't dread him going to work these last few months. I used to hate him not being home but now I actually enjoy the time. I think it is because I am doing more with James and I need to make more time with him. My getting away from striving to have a perfect house is getting better but it is still there. In church we talked about "Letting go and letting God". It is hard but when you do He does amazing things. Like I have been worrying about our cc's, about paying them off before we get pounded with interest. Well, today Jim sold our pellet stove to his cousin for 1200! This will really help and I know it is all in God's timing. He has gradually helped us and by gradually doing so I have learned more and more that I don't need so many things. I know it is hard for Jim too. It is hard not to want stuff and I know it is not bad but I am learning to step away a little more. We need to pay off some things. And then maybe I can focus on those things that I have been wanting to get the boys :) We are truly blessed and we have so much. My goal is to be content with what we have and not always want new things. I want to teach the boys that also. This is a load off of me, writing this down...
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